The Bible commands believers in Christ to faithfully serve and advance His mission(Eph. 2:8).
Bibb Mount Zion Baptist Church offers ministries dedicated to serving with love, compassion, and excellence to fulfil the Great Commandment and Great Commission. Check out our ministry offerings and prayerfully consider getting involved to advance the name of Jesus.
Lead Servant: Deaconess Evette Goolsby
478.788.2766 •
The Culinary Ministry provides five-star quality nutritional services for our church members and guests. Additionally, this ministry manages the church’s kitchen in accordance with recommended culinary practices.
The Trailblazer Adopt-a-School Initiative is a holistic approach to supporting our local schools and ultimately our community. Our approach implements’ programming that reaches not only the children, but the teachers and parents. We believe by ensuring our children are provided the tools and every opportunity to succeed in life, we as a community will benefit.
Blueprint Ministry creates an environment to support, equip and empower Young Adults (ages 18-24) to become transformational leaders and devoted disciples of Jesus Christ who impact social change in their communities. Blueprint provides spiritual nourishment, inspiration, and guidance through God’s Word, authentic relationships, and character development.
Blueprint Ministry also serves college students giving them a home away from home by meeting their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. We also help college students connect their relationship with Christ with their career ambitions.
Champions Ministry serves children with disabilities and their families. Champions Ministry exists to eliminate barriers that keep children with disabilities and their families from being able to fully participate in the community of the local church.
Covenant Couples is a marriage ministry dedicated to understanding God’s purpose for husbands and wives. We encourage couples to live their marriage to the fullest by loving God, loving each other, and having fun God’s way.
The Deaconess Ministry assists the Pastor and Deacons in caring for the congregation, assisting with baptism and communion preparation, outreach, and serving the sick and bereaved.
The Deacons Ministry cares for the congregation and meets the physical needs of church members in accordance with Acts 6. Additionally, the Deacons assist with baptism, communion, outreach, and serving the sick and bereaved. Deacons are appointed in accordance with qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
We believe the worship experience begins when you first arrive on our campus. The First Touch Ministry exists to help with traffic flow and entering and exiting campus for worship and other events.
Lead Servants: Tim Teamer & Andrew Henderson
Fresh Start Men’s Mentoring is a partnership between the Department of Juvenile Justice and Bibb Mt. Zion to establish mentoring for at risk young men.
Girls Squad Mentoring is a partnership between the Department of Juvenile Justice and Bibb Mt. Zion to facilitate mentoring opportunities for girls at the Macon Youth Development Center.
The Health and Wellness Ministry touches lives by providing community access to compassionate care. Our team responds to medical emergencies and ensures necessary EMT’s are contacted while providing immediate first responder care. We serve families and seniors with wellness education, health screenings, and insurance solutions.
The Hospitality Ministry (First Touch Parking, Greeters, Ushers and Guest Services) exists to create a warm and family-oriented environment for members and guests as they enter our campus. Additionally, members of our Hospitality Team provide weekly follow up with guests to ensure they were served with excellence to the glory of God.
Lead Servants: Min. Hura Minger & Min. April Minger
The Intercessory Prayer Ministry prays to God on behalf of the needs of others. This ministry prays for those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They also pray for the individual members, leaders, and vision for the church.
Lead Servants: Tim Teamer & Andrew Henderson
Kingdom Men equips men to become devoted followers of Jesus through Bible study, fellowship, and outreach. The men meet on the first Saturday of each month at 9 am to discuss biblical solutions to become effective leaders.
Our Multimedia Ministry provides excellent audio-video services during weekly worship services, Bible study, and special events. This ministry also manages the online experience.
Next Level Community Development Center (NLCDC) is a Macon-based, non-profit organization dedicated to empowering at-risk youth and families to exercise sound judgment regarding their education, health, social and emotional well-being through youth services and mental health programs.
Lead Servants: Myosha Crawford & Erika Andrews
Bibb Mt. Zion Baptist Church is striving to create a robust, engaging, and interactive children’s and youth ministry environment. The Re-Up Ministry provides a safe atmosphere for children and youth to nurture their identity in Christ.
Our Senior Saints Ministry creates fellowship and service opportunities for members over 60 years old. Our seniors are committed to serving as a godly example for younger generations, in accordance with Titus 2:1-5.
The Shepherd’s Support Ministry serves the needs of the Pastor, his family, and guest ministers by providing meals, transportation, and other tangible needs.
The Successfully Single Ministry creates an environment for single adults to understand and embrace the unique opportunity they have for spiritual and personal growth.
Our Women’s Ministry, also called W.O.W. (Women of Works), provides discipleship and fellowship for all women over 21 years old. The ministry encourages spiritual growth through biblical teaching, mentoring, and fellowship.
Lead Servants: Minister Stephen Thornton & Minister Gia Thornton
The Worship and Arts Ministry creates an atmosphere of Christ-centered worship designed to share God’s Word through singing, praise dance, and creative drama.