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Greetings BMZ Family & Friends,

As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times, I want to take this opportunity to share my response to Governor Kemp’s plan for reopening Georgia businesses and lifting restrictions. While I, like many of you are eager to return to activities outside of my home, we will continue to exercise caution and operate virtually. During this time we will develop a strategy for returning to our in-person worship experience and other ministry activities.  Ultimately, our goal is to return to in-person activities when the health risk to our congregation has been properly evaluated and procedures implemented to mitigate unintended exposure to the COVID-19 coronavirus.

In the interim, if you or your family members choose to return to pre-quarantine routines and activities, I encourage you to continue exercising social distancing, frequent washing of your hands, and staying home when you are not feeling well, have a fever, or cough.

As I have previously shared, we are not operating in fear, but we are continuing to pray, exercise wisdom, and take precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of our congregation.

Thank you for your continued engagement in the virtual Worship Experience, Life Class, 3D, and Corporate Prayer. If you are experiencing any challenges with utilizing technology or the platforms established to keep us connected, please contact the church office.

I also appreciate your entrusting me with strategically evaluating the timing for our return to in-person worship. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

In His Service,


Pastor Paul A. Little, II